I started this blog to document the Neurodevelopmental Reorganization program we are following
with Active Healing, Inc. for my two sons in the hopes of helping with their dyspraxia and adhd.

When change happens slowly, it can be hard to notice. I hope this blog becomes an way for me to keep the big picture in sight and an outlet where I can talk about these things freely. Maybe it will help others, too.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

No sit-ups

Sarge said he doesn't want the boys doing sit-ups or crunches in gym class or karate.  I don't think the gym teacher believed DS1 and asked for a note.  This is Sarge's letter:

DS1 has recently begun care at Active Healing, Inc. to address factors believed to be at the root of his challenges with focus and attention. During a thorough evaluation of his developmental profile it was determined he has yet to establish a sophisticated patterns in regard to either his tummy crawling or his hands and knees creeping. Furthermore, it was also determined he has not inhibited several primitive reflexes of which one is the Moro.

The ability to crawl is a functional skill derived from the pons level of the brain. The pons, among other responsibilities, signals production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is known as the “happy” neurotransmitter and helps calm us and relieve anxiety. A lack of sophistication at the level of the pons as demonstrated by DS1 usually coincides with a higher level of anxiety.

The Moro reflex is a startle reflex that should be inhibited by 5 months of age. When it persists in a child as old as DS1 it raises their level of anxiety by lowering their startle threshold. These children typically like a set routine, become controlling and have difficulty with transitions.

Having identified these factors within DS1 and discussed them with his parents it has been decided to work on these aspects of his developmental profile. Of course, it is everyone’s hope that by giving him mastery in these and other areas he will progress into the future unencumbered by these factors.

It is important during this process to make certain accommodations and adjustments to our expectations of DS1. At this point in time and until further notice he should be excused from doing anything that approximates a Moro response. This includes crunches and sit-ups.

Please contact me if you have any questions or need further details about DS1's case.

Seems strange that such a simple movement could be so powerful.  Yet another interesting element of the program for me to ponder...

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