I started this blog to document the Neurodevelopmental Reorganization program we are following
with Active Healing, Inc. for my two sons in the hopes of helping with their dyspraxia and adhd.

When change happens slowly, it can be hard to notice. I hope this blog becomes an way for me to keep the big picture in sight and an outlet where I can talk about these things freely. Maybe it will help others, too.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Getting started

Once we decided to go ahead with the program, the next steps were to go up for a full evaluation that took all afternoon and go up the following week for an afternoon of Sarge training us how to start the programs.

We decided to focus more on DS2 because his needs are greater, but DS1 will be doing most of the same work, plus a few things of his own.  It's just me and the boys during the week because my husband works long hours, so the boys would be together doing the work anyway.

On the day of the evaluation I didn't give DS1 his adhd medication (concerta) because I am getting very concerned about his lack of appetite and because I thought it might be helpful for Sarge to see him without it.  He was so impulsive and all over the place it was disheartening.  DS2 wasn't much better with the influence of his big brother and the stress of being asked to do things that are hard for him.  I was aggravated and frazzled (when am I not?  sigh...)

Sarge has this chart "The Ontogeny of Human Neurologic Functions" which starts at birth and goes thru 12 stages to around age 6 and covers the categories of vision, auditory, tactile, mobility, language, manual.  By going over each skill and stage, he measures whether the kids are functional, need work or are lacking in each area.  As we go along he will periodically retest and we will be able to measurably see the progress the boys make.

We will go up to see Sarge every 2 months or so with a full reevaluation at 4 month intervals.