My husband started seeing a new chiropractor a few months ago and really likes her. She and I got together to talk about me coming to work for her part-time (I'm a massage therapist). As the conversation meandered, we started talking about my boys and their issues.
She mentioned her friend & associate Sargent Goodchild at Active Healing in Magnolia, MA. (There's an interesting name!) She had a lot of positive things to say and suggested I contact him for a free screening. I did and brought the boys up to see him in August. He picked up on enough stuff in the brief free screening (no surprise to me) that he thought he could help them.
My husband and I went back to see him to learn more about him and what they do there and ask him lots of questions. My husband and I talked it over and thought long and hard about the cost of the program and the potential benefits if it works like Sarge says it will.
Many of the things Sarge talks about make sense to me based on other things I have read and researched. Some of the things are more 'out there' and I'm not entirely sure about yet.
We decided to give it a go. To imagine that in 12-18 months my son's developmental delays can be integrated and he can catch up with his peers is very exciting. Honestly, what better thing in the world can we spend our money on? I keep thinking that we are taking a leap of faith.
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