I started this blog to document the Neurodevelopmental Reorganization program we are following
with Active Healing, Inc. for my two sons in the hopes of helping with their dyspraxia and adhd.

When change happens slowly, it can be hard to notice. I hope this blog becomes an way for me to keep the big picture in sight and an outlet where I can talk about these things freely. Maybe it will help others, too.

Friday, October 22, 2010

What is Neurological Reorganization?

The more I read about NR, the more fascinated (and hopeful) I become.  It seems to me that many kids can benefit from this type of work and I'd like to help more people learn about it.  I can't personally vouch for it yet since we're just beginning our program, but it makes so much sense.

Here is one description from the Neurodevelopmental Solutions website:

Neurological reorganization addresses a spectrum of emotional, behavioral, academic, and physical challenges that arise as a result of disrupted early childhood development. There is a specific developmental sequence babies complete in utero and during the first year of life that triggers healthy brain function. If a child is not given the opportunity to complete the developmental sequence or experiences a traumatic event, functional deficits occur that can affect the rest of their lives.

Neurological reorganization is a process that replicates the normal movement, reflex and sensory experiences that occur during a child’s first year to stimulate the brain’s ability to repair it’s self without the use of medications.

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